Dr Maciej Kuchowicz
Pokój: 273
Tel: +48 71 375 9309
e-mail: macko20(at)ifd.uni.wroc.pl
Wybrane publikacje
- M. Kuchowicz, Coadsorption of samarium with oxygen on the molybdenum (211) surface, Applied Surface Science (2010)
- M. Kuchowicz, J. Kołaczkiewicz, Gd adsorption on Mo(211) surface, Surface Science 603 (2009) 1018
- M. Kuchowicz, J. Kołaczkiewicz, Valence changes of Sm atoms adsorbed on Mo (211) surface, Surface Science 602 (2008) 3043
- M. Kuchowicz, R. Szukiewicz, D. Grodzińska, Dependence of STM images on bias polarity for Sm layers on Mo(110) and Mo(211) surface, Acta Physica Polonica A 114 (2008) S59
- M. Kuchowicz, R. Szukiewicz, S. Stepanovsky, J. Kołaczkiewicz, Adsorption of Sm and Gd on the Mo(111) face, Surface Science 602 (2008) 3043
- M. Kuchowicz, S. Stepanovsky, J. Kołaczkiewicz, Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of clean (211) surface of Ta and Mo, Surface Science 600 (2006) 1600
- D.B. Dańko, M. Kuchowicz, R. Szukiewicz, J. Kołaczkiewicz, Growth and thermal stability of ultra-thin Ag and Au layers on Mo(111) surface, Surface Science 600 (2006) 2258
- I.N. Yakovkin, M. Kuchowicz, R. Szukiewicz, J. Kołaczkiewicz, STM study of the Mo(112) and Mo(111) surfaces, Surface Science 600 (2006) L240
- D.B. Dańko, M. Kuchowicz, J. Kołaczkiewicz, Adsorbate-induced surface rearrangement of the system Pd/Mo(111), Surface Science 552 (2004) 111
- J. Kołaczkiewicz, M. Kuchowicz, R. Szukiewicz, Thermal stability of the Ta(111) surface covered with chemisorbed metal layer. Part I: Au, Surface Science 548 (2004) 246
- J. Kołaczkiewicz, M. Kuchowicz, R. Szukiewicz, Thermal stability of the Ta(111) surface covered with chemisorbedmetal layer. Part II: Ag, Surface Science 548 (2004) 259